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Do Teams That Buy More Lacrosse Balls Win More Games?
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Do Teams That Buy More Lacrosse Balls Win More Games?

When you watch lacrosse teams that shoot the lights out, pass well, and play well as a team, one thing should come to mind; that team has balls, and a lot of em.

Buying More Lacrosse Balls Will Be Your Difference Maker

To make a long answer short, yes, the best NCAA teams in the country get between 50-80 Cases of 120 Balls per Season, according to recent data from Signature Lacrosse, the leading Premium lacrosse ball manufacturer in the world! But how does this correlate with the local youth team? Or a high school player getting some reps outside of practice. Simply put, the more lacrosse balls you have, the more reps you get and the less ball hunting you do.

Premium Lacrosse Balls Help With Premium Stickwork

Teams that buy more lacrosse balls have more balls at their practices, and that means more reps per lacrosse player. These lacrosse teams can fit more stickwork into their two-hour lacrosse practices than other teams can fit into a week. The reason these lacrosse teams win more games is the lacrosse ball to player ratio on the field during their lacrosse practices that maximizes their touches. All those touches add up over a whole season; and when you compare that number to the number of reps players get on teams with only a few cases of lacrosse balls, the difference makes a difference.

More Lacrosse Balls Makes More Sense; Better Lacrosse Balls Make Better Players

Greasy lacrosse balls ruin practices for lacrosse teams in lots of ways. Ever lacrosse play knows their passes and shots are not as accurate or as powerful when they’re using a greaser and not a premium lacrosse ball. As soon as you catch, or more likely drop, a pass that’s a greaser, you know it. The same goes for having the perfect lacrosse ball fly into your lacrosse pocket and then sting the corner of the goal.

The confidence level of lacrosse players who know they’re using awesome lacrosse balls is worth investing in premium lacrosse balls and buying lacrosse balls in bulk will help your team make the most out of every lacrosse practice and game.

Old Lacrosse Balls Make Teaching Lacrosse Players Painful

First, using a subpar lacrosse ball ruins player development and makes it impossible to teach proper stick skills to lacrosse players. The lack of traction and grip on worn down lacrosse balls that weren’t made to last makes them horrible to use for a high functioning lacrosse practice. You also don’t want to start off new lacrosse players with bad lacrosse balls because they won’t learn anything. Every lacrosse player deserves the best lacrosse ball from the first day they start playing to the last.

Lacrosse players who know they are going to a lacrosse practice with old and greasy lacrosse balls aren’t going to look forward to playing lacrosse, and no one wants that. And any lacrosse player who shows up to a lacrosse practice, game, or tournament with bad lacrosse balls will be disappointed in the coach. Lacrosse should be the best part of everyone’s day, and you have to start with a premium lacrosse ball.

Lacrosse Players Hate Greasers and Love Freshies

Second, lacrosse players are notorious for blaming the greasers because they’re greasy. Every lacrosse player who knows they will be using fresh lacrosse balls every day will be much more likely to enjoy lacrosse practice. Premium lacrosse balls make lacrosse players look forward to practice because they’ll be getting better and feeling great about themselves. Having greasy lacrosse balls will only make your players upset, and no one wants to have a mutiny over greasy lacrosse balls.

Greasy Lacrosse Balls Slow Down Lacrosse Practice

Third, and worst of all, a lack of lacrosse balls or an abundance of bad lacrosse balls slows down your lacrosse practice. Bad shots and bad passes due to inferior lacrosse balls will having your players ball hunting every couple minutes. Choosing to invest in more premium lacrosse balls that keep performing throughout the season means lacrosse balls in the back of the net and not the back of the woods.

Losing lacrosse balls because of bad shots or passes is a death sentence to your supply of lacrosse balls. Instead of having to scavenge for loose lacrosse between drills and after lacrosse practice, you could be scooping fresh Signature Premium lacrosse balls out of the net every day. A quality supply of lacrosse balls that your players can be proud of will go a long way once they see the benefit become apparent in their play.

The Best Lacrosse Teams Buy The Best Lacrosse Balls; And A Lot of ‘Em

When it comes to winning lacrosse games consistently, there’s a select group of college lacrosse teams that seem to be in the top rankings every single year. It’s no coincidence that those teams are always showing up at the top, and their lacrosse practices are the main reason why. The top teams in college lacrosse make the most out of their lacrosse practices by investing in that practice with more than just time, energy, and effort. Using a lacrosse budget wisely by buying more lacrosse balls, and premium lacrosse balls that last, makes their lacrosse practices significantly more effective.

Terry Rowland, Canadian lacrosse Association - Safety & Equipment Board, “This is the best quality lacrosse ball we have ever tested- you guys make a great ball!”

Why Buying More Lacrosse Balls Is Important

Lacrosse balls are the motor oil of lacrosse practices, and a lack of quality lacrosse balls for a practice or game is sure to grind everyone’s gears. Buying premium lacrosse balls in bulk eliminates the distraction of dealing with greasy lacrosse balls. The best teams in college lacrosse invest in their lacrosse balls to reap the rewards of a bigger budget once they win more lacrosse games. A bigger budget in the future then helps with other advantages for a lacrosse team; but, it all starts with the right lacrosse balls.

And for those non college programs, buying lacrosse balls in bulk will save you money, allow your players to get more out of their time on the field, and make your program not only feel better, but look better, and play better!

Why Buying Lacrosse Balls In Bulk Is Important

These dominant college lacrosse teams are buying in huge quantities, over 80 cases of lacrosse balls a year, and are normally buying lacrosse balls in bulk all at once. They ration out this massive supply of lacrosse balls over the whole year as they need to and always keep their team tossing around freshies. Having a solid stock of premium lacrosse balls that can last your team a whole season, or even more, will keep you, your players, and your fans happy when you tally up more W’s each year.

To put your team on track to be more successful, improve their stick skills, and start winning more games, visit and save on the best premium lacrosse balls available.

Authored by: Dan Soviero

  • Former 2x HS All American
  • Former D1 Lacrosse Player at St Johns University
  • Former D2 Lacrosse Player at University of Tampa
  • Former Youth & Travel Program Director
  • Current Advisory Board Member for Multiple Programs
  • Current self proclaimed Mens League Hall of Famer
  • Current Founder/CEO of Signature Lacrosse





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